Tuesday, May 31, 2011

day 31!

Tomorrow Caleb goes to the ophthalmologist. I am hoping this will settle the 8 year debate on whether he has visual field impairments or not. He has had it tested numerous times and up until the last time I had always been told he has no left sided visual field on the left side of both eyes. Last year we were told that his vision was fine?!

Myself and many others seem to believe that he does have a visual impairment, so it will be interesting to see what they say tomorrow. I hope that is vision is fine, don't get me wrong, but it will be nice to get an actual for sure answer.

So.... wish him luck tomorrow. He hates having water in his face, and the threat of drops being put in his eyes is almost enough to give the kid an anxiety attack, so I pray this goes smoothly.
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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Catching up

Wow busy busy busy this month! but I have managed to squeeze in my challenges. I even wrote a paper in one of my Psychology classes about pediatric stroke. I also created a huge sidewalk chalk mural in the main entrance of my school with the help of a couple of my friends and their lil kiddos.The lady with me is my best friend Christina, who has been there with me and Caleb since day 1 (she was in the operating room when i had my c-section with Caleb). Not pictured is my friend Andrea and all the
helper kiddos.

Also yesterday was Field Day Calebs class did fantastic. It made my heart huge to hear the kids tell him what an exceptional job he did. They were unsure how Caleb would do with the human tunnel relay considering you have to crawl on all 4;s through the kids legs while carrying a ball, and as you can see he mastered it! I am glad I made the decision to keep him in this school district even though we no longer live in it. He has made some great friends, friends who have stuck up for him when he has been bullied, and who have cheered him on when he needed encouragement. I hope by knowing him we are raising a genartion that is aware that kids like them can have strokes.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

day 19

Well today Caleb got to say the pledge at school! I had to talk him down because he gets so nervous. He didn't want to do it because he gets scared, but he stuck it out and did it perfectly!

But also I noticed his left leg is swollen at the ankle, so I iced it on the way to school. He says it hurts and so I am going to take him to the ER after school just to be sure I hope its OK because I don't think he could use crutches. So please keep your thoughts with us its on his weak side too.

Tomorrow my friend Andréa and I are going to do a chalk awareness mural outside my college so stay tuned!
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Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.8

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

day 18

Wow I am feeling overwhelmed. After falling in February, I have been going to school, and therapy on top of all the stuff I do as a mother. I had to take the last half of the Quarter off last Quarter because of my fall, and now I am struggling to make up the work. Soo by the first week of June I need to have 3 papers researched and written, on top of taking 8 tests, and my standard reading and homework. Needless to say this is why I have been falling behind on my blog.

May has been a very challenging month all on its own. My car and Chris' car broke down on the same day. Well mine isn't broken down, but the clutch will go any minute now. Due to lack of finances and Chris' car proving to be just as unreliable, I need to try and make the clutch last till payday. Good Luck lol.

So I know all about challenges this month. I have been playing catch up in school enduring therapy twice a week and dealing with general life stressors. Talk about walking a mile in Calebs shoes. This is his life. The 2 months I spent unable to use my right arm/hand was a real eye opener to the struggles my son faces on a daily basis. But the physical is only half of the battle. It seems every year we find something new the stroke has caused. No one ever wants to believe it when I reveal the results of an IQ tests showing cognitive impairments, or a visual tests showing he has no left sided visual field. I understand why family and friends would want to feel that way. I didn't want to believe he had a stroke in the first place. But the fact of the matter is it is true, and the only thing we can do is accept it and try and adjust so that the quality of life stays high for Caleb and other Hemi Kids like him.

If you want to know what type of cognitive impairments are caused by stroke, here is a helpful link Information about Cognitive Impairment due to Stroke

My fellow streakers have been doing an exceptional job raising awareness. This is a video about a fellow streaker named Julie and her beautiful son Evan. I have been following their blog, and I must say they are an inspiration to pediatric stroke advocates. Julie and Evan on Pediatric Stroke.

I am hoping to be able to stay more on top of this blog. If the weather holds up I want to accepts CHASA's challenge this week and make a sidewalk chalk mural about PS awareness. Stay with me this month isn't over yet!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day 15: Prayers are needed

Today, as I check my email, I get a message from Hemi Kids asking that we change our profile picture to the support ribbon in honor of the Suzuki family. I wonder what happened, and as I viewed CHASA's page I see that the unthinkable has happened. Due to complications during a surgery to try and ease his seizures, Eric 17 years old, suffered a traumatic brain injury, and his family is now having to say good-bye. Eric, like Caleb survived a pediatric stroke. As a mother of a child like Eric my heart breaks for his family.

So I ask anyone who reads this, whether you are a facebook friend, a stranger, or a parent of a Hemi Kid, Please keep this family in your thoughts. If you would like to show your support for Eric's family please feel free to download the image of the support ribbon and use as your profile picture. I would love to see this photo as everyone I knows profile pic, because they need as much support as they can get in this tough time.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

A New Beginning

After receiving such positive feedback I have decided to keep up the blog. Thanks to everyone who either viewed or commented :). This morning I woke up and though I knew its going to be a hot sticky Cincinnati day (almost 90 in May are you kidding me Mother Nature make up your mind please), I forced myself to get up and run. My brain made 1000+ excuses like, its hot all we have are pants to jog in, so I told myself, " you can always chop the legs off!" So... sporting my oh so fashionable cut off University of Cincinnati sweats Brody and I went for a sticky, muggy jog. To my surprise it was refreshing. It really is a great way to blow off some steam! So my challenge is finished for the day yay!

With summer approaching quickly I have discovered something fantastic that I never knew existed. CHASA has a retreat just for Hemi kids and their families. I would love to attend, so that Caleb can realize he is not alone. There are other kids out there like him, he is not that different.

What I would Like to do this summer, but due to our incredibly limited financial situation I doubt we will be able to.


My laptop is about dead so this is all I have for now, but the day is young so I may have more later

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

the begining of the end

well I guess i will be shutting this down soon. I was hoping to raise awareness, but considering noone reads this I believe I am failing. As for Pediatric Stroke Awareness Month, well, I will keep the purple in my hair and I will continue to challenge myself daily, but the blog is going to go.

My goal in this was not only to raise awareness, but also to meet other parents of kids going through the same thing. I have followed others streaks, commented and not one person returned the favor. What a show of support.

So unless I can figure out a reason to do otherwise this will be my last post. I am an advocate for my kid even when no one else is.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Playing Catch up

Who would have thought the two "easy" challenges would be the hardest. I put in purple streaks well over a week ago and have had to touch it up twice already Manic Panic Amplified Ultraviolet = fail. So I am trying a combination of 2 beyond the zone colors and am keeping my fingers crossed it sticks!

The second challenge, writing everyday also = fail. My net book was having connectivity issues so the only internet I can access is on my Droid. This is my experimental Droid post. I hope it works.

Caleb never ceases to amaze me. Today he was playing baseball with this friends. I can see him gaining self esteem every day. Today reminded me of the day he learned to walk. He actually knew all along, but lacked the confidence to do it alone. So Chris, my lovey hubby, and I sat across from each other and would take turns calling Caleb over and we kept scooting farther with each pass. Within 20 minutes he was running and giggling across the entire living room. Confidence for Caleb is key. Where he has confidence he thrives, where he lacks confidence it becomes a battle.

But its little moments like running across the room, or hitting a ball as high as the roof of a 2 story house that make you realize that he really can do anything. And he really is more than a blessing, he is a miracle, my miracle, and he is all I need to make this mothers day truly exceptional!

Hopefully there will be no more Snafu's. Stay tuned!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Day 5

Today we got a new friend in our little family Caleb named him Peanut. We found a dog on our porch this morning and Caleb has been so happy already claiming him as "his dog". Most of my day was spent trying to figure out the what to do with the dog and what kind of temperament he has.

So today when I went to the park I had to do my walking at the dog park with my normal running partner (Brody) and our new addition. My walk was not its usual challenge. 
The first challenge of the day.. getting out of bed 2 days of running on top of being sick (which I believe is over for the most part) has really taken a toll on my body. I am sore from head to toe!.

So today since I didn't feel like my challenge was challenging enough I wanted to share  a story.... On February 10th 2011, I slipped and fell and shattered my radius and my ulna. It took a plate and 7 screws to put it back together. Being that I am right handed, and it was my right wrist, I got 2 months where I could only use my uncoordinated left hand. Everything was a struggle. to go to the bathroom and be able to button my pants, well for 2 months it was sweats. I remember feeling sorry for myself, I was trying to accomplish something ( I cannot for the life of me remember the mundane little task, as now the lesson outweighs the task) and Caleb comes up to me and asks what was wrong. I told him honestly I was frustrated that I couldn't do something, and he said "but Mommy I can't use my left that well and I can do it". He was right. Here i am the parent the one with all the lessons, and he is teaching me.... Caleb has been the king of "I can't" since he could speak the words, and in the past year he has really taken off confidence wise.

A few weeks ago we had an IEP meeting. His Early Intervention Specialist had said it bothers her that Caleb doesn't work independently he is always asking for her help. I had to take a stand. She was not his EI Specialist any prior year, and I told her that a year ago if he reached a task that he didn't come easily he would refuse to even try just saying "I can't". I asked that they not discourage him for asking for help, the fact that he is even willing to try is a blessing to me.
Point being? Stand up for your kids. You are the only one who knows your child. No one not any "expert" has more knowledge about what your child needs. It is music to my ears to hear "will you help me" as long as it keeps the "i can'ts" away

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

We did it!

That is right even with the illness we got out there and ran. I have a feeling I may be regretting it later...... but for now mission accomplished! We did take it a little easier due to being sick we jogged a 1/4 mile then  would walk a 1/4 mile alternating we did cut it 1/2 mile shorter because I forgot my water in the car and was starting to feel woozy, and I really did not want to pass out from dehydration. But yes, we did it.

day 4

Today I am sick. This stomach bug is horrible.... I wanted to get out and run today, but I fear due to the illness i will be very easily dehydrated. So I am going to see how I feel later if I begin to hold stuff down I will run. The weather is holding up too so hopefully my tummy will give me a break. In the meantime......

Day 3

This is a day late because I came down with the stomach bug Caleb is just getting over. So.... this post pertains to yesterdays activities.

For my challenge I decided to run as much of 2 miles as I could. I did 2 miles! I will admit some of it was walking, but considering how out of shape me and my running partner are we did great! This is a photo of my running partner. Together we completed 2 miles in about 35 minutes.

It was a challenge thats for sure. Due to all the rain we have had the paths were washed out in many places, and it was threatening rain all day long. But I know that rain, snow, or shine Caleb cannot escape his daily challenges. As the thought to give up and quit hit me I would try and block out any discomfort by thinking of all the challenges Caleb has already overcome. At one point I found myself chanting his name like a mini mantra for myself, and it worked it got me through it.

When any little stroke survivor completes a challenge, its truly is a beautiful sight to behold. Very few things in life can hold a candle to such an event. So one of my goals yesterday was to find beauty during our run. 

As anyone who lives in Cincinnati this past month knows, this spring has been a challenge due to the 20+ inches of rain we have accumulated since March. The rain has been challenging to work around, but look at the benefits of dealing with it. Like one of these beautiful hemi kids these trees have overcome the odds and have risen up out of the mud and muck to create a truly inspirational sight.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Finally got my donation page set up!

Right now i am incredibly strapped for time. today my challenge is to walk rain or shine(and in Cincinnati that means rain for the past month). Please take the time to check out my donation page
Thanks everyone I will post more later!

Monday, May 2, 2011

This video is a great one for raising awareness please watch


If you are interesting in starting your own Streak for Stroke or donating or even just educating yourselves please go to  http://www.CHASA.org

DAYS 1-2

As the mother of the most awesome child in the world, I am creating this in honor of my son Caleb. Either in the womb or within the first month of life Caleb suffered a stroke cause by a blood clot in his cerebral artery. This left him partially paralyzed on his left side. He has very limited mobility with his left hand/arm, and also has a noticeable limp.

Everyday is a struggle for kids like Caleb, and what make it even harder is the fact that there is a serious lack of awareness about kids like Caleb. Many healthcare professionals are in the dark about pediatric stroke, as was Calebs pediatrician at the time of his diagnosis.

This Blog is to help remedy that.......

Yesterday was May 1st the first day of Pediatric Stroke Awareness month, it was also Calebs 8th birthday party! What a testament to what a child can accomplish. Having his party at JUMPZONE was proof that this kid can do what ever he wants to if he puts his mind to it.

So this month I am Streaking for Pediatric Stroke. I will be using this blog to help share some of my experiances and also to share information about Pediatric Stroke. If we can raise awareness then we can make a huge difference in these kids lives! Thanks and I hope you stick with me :D